Marcus Aurelius: CIA on the Margins of Syria, Choking the Chicken

Deja vu on Angola, Afghanistan, etcetera. CIA Chokes Rebels’ Weapon Supply Amid Islamist Fears By John Follain London Sunday Times August 12, 2012 Pg. 26 DESPITE mounting calls in Washington for a more aggressive US military role in Syria, the CIA has been quietly working along its northern border with Turkey to limit the supplies …

Marcus Aurelius: Understanding Amateurs at the White House with Comment by Robert Steele as Posted at Foreign Policy, August 2, 2012 Thought Cloud The real problem with the civilian-military gap. By Rosa Brooks One of the biggest misunderstandings about the civilian-military gap is that it is cultural — the national security version of the red state-blue state divide. But the distance between those in and out of uniform isn’t fundamentally a matter …

Chuck Spinney: Amateur Hour at White House and Department of State

This classic case of blowback ought to give pause to those advocating intervention/regime change in the Syrian Civil War or in Iran — but if history tells us anything it won’t change any minds in Versailles on the Potomac. Chuck Spinney La Grazie, Italia US inadvertently creates a terrorist haven in Mali STEPHEN KINZER, Boston …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Abbottabad Files CTC Journal (PDF) Cyberwar with AQ Gateway to the Divine GigaNet (Organization and Event) Hillary Clinton at Special Ops (Not Pretty) Human Factor and Cyber-Security InfoGram Launches Never Give Up (Yoga Heals Disabled Veteran) PBS on Al Qaeda in Yemen Quebec Student Strike Documentary The Art of Intelligence Lessons from a Life in …