#OWS Rolling Update + US Revolution RECAP

CORRUPTION is the common enemy, both in government and in the private sector.  ELECTORAL REFORM is the singular demand.  COALITION CABINET is the method.  INTEGRITY is the core value.  COMMONWEALTH RESTORED is the outcome. Occupy Revolution OccupyWallStreet (Home Site) Original Electoral Reform Documents (Updated) We the People Reform Coalition   25 March 2012 Penn Badgley …

Mini-Me: Geithner’s Fingerprints? Tungsten Gold Bar in UK + Meta-RECAP on Financial Fraud

Huh? Tungsten-Filled 1 Kilo Gold Bar Found In The UK The last time a story of Tungsten-filled gold appeared on the scene was just two years ago, and involved a 500  gram bar of gold full of tungsten, at the W.C. Heraeus foundry, the world’s largest metal refiner and fabricator. It also became known that said …

Berto Jongman: Potpourri of Serious Strategy Threat Stuff

Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare in the Global Glass House U.S. accelerating cyberweapon research Global Strategic Assessment (National Defense University) Phi Beta Iota: Devoid of a strategic analytic model, devoid of the concept of “true costs,” and devoid of any self-understanding in relation to corruption at all levels across all boundaries.  A wonderful collection of …

Paul Craig Roberts: No Jobs for Citizens – Death Spiral

No Jobs For Americans Today (March 9, 2012) the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced that 227,000 new nonfarm payroll jobs were created by the economy during February. Is the government’s claim true? No. Statistician John Williams (shadowstats.com) reports that 44,000 of these jobs or 19% consist of an add-on factor derived from the BLS’s …

Progressive Press Integrated Bibliography Project

Below is the beginning of an integrated bibliography with links to Amazon pages for each book or DVD, a few links to articles or papers.  It provides a searchable means of considering many authors whose books question the mainstream myths while challenging the integrity of the existing blend of neo-everything.

John Pilger: The War on Democracy Comes Home

Recommended by Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy John Pilger describes the reality hidden behind the cloak of anglo-american “democracy.” Phi Beta Iota:  This describes the crime against humanity, the atrocity, of cleansing the population of the islands now known as Diego Garcia.  If We the People do not hold our government accountable, then …

Paul Craig Roberts: The Real Economic Picture

The Real Economic Picture If you have any money and you want to understand the lies that “your” government tells you with statistics, subscribe to John Williams shadowstats.com. John Williams is the best and utterly truthful statistician that we the people have. The charts below come from John Williams Hyperinflation Report, January 25, 2012. The …