Review: A First-Rate Madness – Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Mental Illness

Nassir Ghaemi 5.0 out of 5 stars One Huge Point, Many Smaller Insights,August 28, 2011 When I am torn between a 4 and a 5 I read all the other reviews. I rate this book a five because it advances appreciation for the integration of psychology with history, and contributes somewhat–not the last word–to the …

Search: “True Cost”

True Cost is called by some a triple-bottom line (physical cost, ecological cost, social cost).  Others talk about true cost to own (including all related fuels or batteries, toxic side effects etc), others talk about cradle to grave accounting to include complete recycling.  Technically, true cost accounting prohibits negative external costs from being ignored.  A …

Chuck Spinney: From Bad to Worse in Afghanistan

From bad to worse in Afghanistan Peter Eichstaedt McClatchy News – 20/07/11 KABUL, AFGHANISTAN The assassination of President Hamid Karzai’s half brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, along with the recent attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in the heart of the capital in Kabul, underscore the increasingly fragile security situation in Afghanistan. Both events occurred soon after …

Marcus Aurelius: 82nd Airborne Not Happy in Garrison

This is a very fine piece of reporting at multiple levels. 82nd Airborne Paratroopers Unhappy With Iraq, Afghanistan Troop Withdrawals David Wood Huffington Post, 11 July 2011 FORT BRAGG, N.C. — Among the paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne’s 1st Brigade Combat Team, there’s a sinking feeling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will fade away. …