Review: The Zen Leader – 10 Ways to Go From Barely Managing to Leading Fearlessly

Ginny Whitelaw 5.0 out of 5 stars 6 Stars, Spectacularly SImple, Foundation Book for Epoch B Collective Self-Governance,May 21, 2012 I’ve been a driven over-achiever most of my life, and only started emerging from the “because I said so” culture so characteristic of the Marine Corps and the Central Intelligence Agency, when I realized in …

Mini-Me: $4 Billion for Israel, Nothing for US Jobs

Huh? Congressional Committee Proposal would raise US taxpayer support for Israel’s military in 2013 to a record $4 billion. Tim King | (WASHINGTON DC) – As news about Israeli political parties merging dominates headlines, this one is being overlooked. The US House of Representatives Defense Appropriations Subcommittee yesterday approved almost $1 billion for Israel’s …

Gordon Duff: Nuclear Theft / Threat from Germany or Donation to Israel for Use Against Iran, Others?

Raw Reports, Nuclear Threat from Germany 6 Decades of Deception By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor I will keep this short as possible.  A single nuclear weapon has “gone missing” as of last week, one of four missing but this one “more missing” than the others.  . . . . . . Now, to put this …

Marcus Aurelius: Leon Panetta Prances Around the Truth–Congress Goes Along with Blatant Misrepresentations

I urge that you reject SECDEF’s assertions; also urge that you contact your Congressional delegations and ask them to also reject what SECDEF is saying. Panetta ties TRICARE fee increases to maintaining key programs, personnel By Bob Brewin 04/16/2012 At a Pentagon press briefing on Monday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said congressional tinkering with the $613 …