Worth a Look: Present Shock – When Everything Happens Now

An award-winning author explores how the world works in our age of “continuous now” Back in the 1970s, futurism was all the rage. But looking forward is becoming a thing of the past. According to Douglas Rushkoff, “presentism” is the new ethos of a society that’s always on, in real time, updating live. Guided by …

SchwartzReport: US DoE Proposes to Recycle Radioactive Metal Into Consumer Products Secretary Chu’s Final Disgraceful Act + Eugenics & GMO RECAP

Several readers sent me different versions of this story and, at first, I thought this is not possible. These stories are some kind of urban legend. But, to my amazement, it turns out this is true. It is hard to believe anyone, even the greediest, could be this stupid. But there you are. I urge …

DefDog: CyberCom is a Joke. Does Boosting Its Numbers Fivefold Make it a Travesty? Memo to Hagel: Start Here.

Cybercom is a joke.   This is insane. Pentagon to boost cybersecurity force By Ellen Nakashima, Sunday, January 27, 5:42 PM The Pentagon has approved a major expansion of its cybersecurity force over the next several years, increasing its size more than fivefold to bolster the nation’s ability to defend critical computer systems and conduct offensive computer …

Marcus Aurelius: Government Executive Report on Where Congress Stands in the Esimation of the US Public — Like More than Gonorrhea Less Than Root Canals

14 Terrible Things People Like More Than Congress By Mark Micheli Government Executive, January 8, 2013 Here’s your ridiculous poll of the day: Public Policy Polling recently asked people if they had a higher opinion of Congress or a long series of highly unpleasant or unpopular things. As it turns out, people really don’t like …