THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO – Transparency, Truth, & Trust . . . the meme, the mind-set, and the method

CULTURE | Read ‘Open-Source Everything Manifesto’ for FREE Book Being Serialized One Chapter at a Time Amazon Kindle Page for Book Steele At Togather:Book Him Online for a Local Event 28 August 2012 Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #98,085 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #48 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks …

Marcus Aurelius: Jennifer Sims Party Line on Military Clandestine Service with Robert Steele Comment + RECAP

Here we go again…. Why the CIA Is Applauding the Pentagon’s Intelligence Grab Jennifer Sims Foreign Affairs, May 18, 2012 Last month, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced the creation of a new U.S. espionage agency: the Defense Clandestine Service, or DCS. DCS is expected to expand the …

Penguin: Cataloging Wounds of War to Help Heal Them — Not Big Data, Not Small Data, But Rather Integrated “Smart” Data

Cataloging Wounds of War to Help Heal Them By C. J. CHIVERS New York Times,  May 17, 2012 FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. — To those unfamiliar with a battlefield’s bleak routine, Col. Michael D. Wirt’s database could be read like a catalog of horrors. In it, more than 500 American soldiers are subjected to characteristic forms …

John Steiner: The Righteous Mind – A Book Review

Why Won’t They Listen? ‘The Righteous Mind,’ by Jonathan Haidt REVIEW By WILLIAM SALETANPublished: NY Times Review of Books, March 23, 2012 You’re smart. You’re liberal. You’re well informed. You think conservatives are narrow-minded. You can’t understand why working-class Americans vote Republican. You figure they’re being duped. You’re wrong. This isn’t an accusation from the …

Winslow Wheeler: Marine Aviation in the Toilet (Ethically, Technically, & Financially)

Last week I circulated a piece discusing an eight page advertising special in The Washington Post, paid for by Lockheed-Martin and Boeing (and a credit union).  The huge ad commemorated the 100th anniversary of Marine Corps aviation.  (My piece with a link to the advertisement is at the end of this message.)  In the special …

Robert Steele: Call to Arms Occupy 2012

Below the line is a 1,200 word essay with two graphics and multiple links including YouTube links  that can be reprinted at will by anyone anywhere.  The author’s biography includes a graphic of the author and his new book cover.