Marcus Aurelius: Dr. Robert Gates Finds His Integrity

It’s a real shame Gates could not connect to his integrity while in office. Gates on D.C. lawmakers: ‘Oversized egos and undersized backbones’ By MARCUS WEISGERBER | Federal Times, December 14, 2011 Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates has called out lawmakers for their inability to compromise and develop bipartisan strategies and policies to “address our …

Mini-Me: Hillary to Challenge Obama in 2012 — As Long Planned

HILLARY CLINTON WILL CHALLENGE OBAMA IN 2012! Frank Lake Weekly World News, December 21st, 2011 WASHINGTON, DC –  Sources close to Hillary Clinton say  she will announce her run for President in 2012. Hillary Clinton came to WWN Headquarters and told editors that she is livid about the downgrade of the U.S. Credit Rating.  “I’ve stood …

Chuck Spinney: Political Fluff on Iraq vs Real-World Appraisals

After running for President in 2008 on a platform that criticized Iraq as a “dumb war,” Barack Obama just declared America’s misbegotten Iraqi adventure to be an “extraordinary achievement” in a speech to soldiers at Fort Bragg. That declaration of success is not enough for Congressman Duncan Hunter, who took Obama to task, saying, “And …

David Swanson: History of Corporate Personhood — How Lewis Powell & US Chamber of Commerce Bought the US Supreme Court

The Real History of ‘Corporate Personhood’: Meet the Man to Blame for Corporations Having More Rights Than You The real history of today’s excessive corporate power starts with a tobacco lawyer appointed to the Supreme Court.  By Jeffrey Clements, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, AlterNet The following is an excerpt of Jeffrey Clement’s Corporations Are Not People: Why They Have …