Richard Wright: MILITARY INTELLIGENCE: All Eyes No Brain Part II

The USAF claim that the tragic killing of 23 innocent Afghan civilians last February by one of its Predator UAVs was due to “information overload” reflects an appalling lack of critical thinking on the part of senior Air Force officers. General Mike Hayden (USAF ret.) when director of the NSA used regularly entertain the U.S. …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: US C/JCS & China Arms Race

China- US: CJCS Admiral Mullen said today that China’s high-tech military capabilities, including the radar-evading stealth J-20 fighter, focus on America. China has every right to develop military capabilities, Mullen said, adding that he cannot understand why many appear to target the United States despite North Korea’s being an evolving threat to the region and …

Weak Signals: DoD Information Operations First Steps

Navy Intel Chief: Information Dominance Must Balance Firepower By Karen Parrish, American Forces Press Service, 6 January 2011 WASHINGTON (NNS) — “Information as warfare” requires operational commanders to employ intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to dominate the information realm even as they direct combat actions, the Navy’s senior intelligence officer said Jan. 5. Vice Adm. David …

Event (web): 11 Jan – Google, CERN (Euro nuclear research org), LEGO, Nat Geographic & Sci American Holding a Global, Web-Based Science Fair

On January 11 at 9 a.m. EST, Google will host a live event on its brand new Science Fair YouTube Channel. More details about the fair will be announced then; we’re assuming the site will be fleshed out at that time, as well. The global science competition is being hosted in partnership with CERN (the …

Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part III

24 Dec Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation 3 Jan Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part II Andrew Carpenter responds (Robert Steele’s opening at end): I offer here a cautionary note in three areas. First, Robert, I get that you have a prior commitment to electoral reform, and that’s your proprietary thing close to your heart. …

Reference: WATER–Soul of the Earth, Mirror of Our Collective Souls

Robert David Steele Comprehensive Architect, Prime Design Huffington Post, Posted: January 5, 2011 21:08 PM Last week I examined how we might create Infinite Wealth for All, but left for this week the most vital element of life on earth, Water. It is the soul of the Earth, and it is black with the sins …