Review: The End of Intelligence – Espionage and State Power in the Information Age

David Tucker 3.0 out of 5 stars A poor thesis, rotten sources, with no quality control in the literature review, January 27, 2015 This is a hugely disappointing book. It reads like a graduate thesis badly overseen (with zero in the way of serious literature search). While the author has some experience in the foreign …

2014 Robert Steele Applied Collective Intelligence

Short URL: As published: Spanda CI–Applied collective intelligence Citation: Steele, R.D. (2014) “Applied Collective Intelligence: Human-Centric Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything,” Spanda Journal (Vol. 2, pp 127-137) ABSTRACT: The emerging discipline of Collective Intelligence (CI) has been mis-directed by a combination of the faddish focus on “wisdom of the crowds” …

Robert Steele: Google — Deep Learning Shallow Baloney

I really am tired of the baloney surrounding Google, which calls itself an “artificial intelligence” company. There is no question that its computational mathematics are out of this world — they are also unregulated (the US Government is incompetent in this domain) and divorced from the humanities — people working for Google do not “compute” …

Stephen Marrin: Improving Intelligence Studies as an Academic Discipline

Improving Intelligence Studies as an Academic Discipline Intelligence and National Security, 22 October 2014 In recent years there has been significant growth in the numbers and kinds of intelligence-related educational and training opportunities, with the knowledge taught in these courses and programs derived from the body of intelligence studies scholarship. The question posed here is: …

Stephen E. Arnold: Seismic Shift in Learning from Reading to Video — Implications for Search and More… PBI Push Books versus Pull Video!

Why Video Is Booming I read “The Average College Freshman Reads at 7th Grade Level.” I find this fascinating. No wonder folks are baffled when it comes to framing a query using Boolean logic. Little wonder that youthful search “experts” are clueless about the antics of search vendors from the 1980s. These folks cannot and …