Corruption is Non-Partisan: New Documentary “Casino Jack” shows US Gov’s Legalized Bribery through Jack Abramoff & the Story of Human Failure.

Good quotes from the movie: + Jack Abramoff was the “perfect marriage of idealism and corruption.” + “Campaign finance is a system of legalized bribery.” What also comes to mind is Danny Schecter saying “I used to think of Wall Street as a financial center, now I think of it as a crime scene.” One …

Journal: Audit the Fed & Cost of Wall Street Charity

Federal Reserve Transparency Working Group and Supporters: We have 32 cosponsors for S.604 ” Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009″ and 319 cosponsors for H.R. 1207 ” Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009″ See also: Total Wall Street Bailout Cost (Thanks Nicole, U.S. PIRG) The Federal Reserve as a Confidence Game: What They Were Saying …

Journal: Pentagon Strategy & Policy Oxymoron Squared?

Phi Beta Iota: We don’t make this stuff up.  The Pentagon has no strategy because the U.S. Government has no strategy.  The National Security Council is managed by a General who emphasized getting along with the Chief of Naval Operation, never-mind leaving Marines wounded on the battlefield for lack of Naval Gunfire Support (NFS). Join …

2010 INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability

KINDLE with Active Links Hard Copy: Book’s Amazon Page ($16.93) A massive cultural tsunami is sweeping round the world as the five billion poor acquire Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and the one billion rich realize that the era of Empire Rule Of, By, and For the Few is over. Happily, this is a revolution …