2016: How Trump Can Win

SHORT URL This Post: http://tinyurl.com/2016-Trump-Wins “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” In my view, the two-party tyranny — the criminal cabal that has blocked 60% of the eligible voters in America from ballot access and meaningful participation in our national political process — a process Princeton and Jimmy Carter have both declared to …

Howard Rheingold: Meta-Collaboration

Wonderfully, this post addresses three subjects I track because I know they are important: metacognition and its role in infotention, augmented collective intelligence, and the relationship of human cooperation to social media. Meta-Collaboration: Thinking With Another Feeling the emotions of others, social acceptance, and cooperation are critical to our early development of the identity and …

2015 Robert Steele: The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes

The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes CounterPunch, 6 July 2015 The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has released the National Military Strategy. As a propaganda document, presenting weakness as strength and seeking to gain trust in that which should not be trusted, it is stellar. By naming four main enemies (Russia, Iran, …

Mongoose: 9/11 Treason in Photographs – MENSA Presentation by Donald E. Stahl

Government lies.  Period. Evolution of the 9/11 Controversy: From Conspiracy Theories to Conspiracy Photographs American Mensa Annual Gathering, Louisville, KY July 3, 2015 Donald E. Stahl EXTRACT The government’s official position is that no explosions occurred. The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s latest statement on the matter is dated September 9, 2011. It reads: …