Eagle: Pentagon report says Defense Department whistleblowers have been left vulnerable to reprisals

Pentagon report says Defense Department whistleblowers have been left vulnerable to reprisals By R. Jeffrey Smith and Aaron Mehta | Center for Public Integrity, 5 May 2012 The Defense Department has inadequately protected from reprisals whistleblowers who have reported wrongdoing, according to an internal Pentagon report, and critics are calling for action to be taken …

Event: 12 May + Online Extraterrestrials, the Secret Government, and You… an invitation — $90

Two Worlds in Collision: Extraterrestrials, the Secret Government, and You Host: Richard Dolan In the wake of an ever-growing police state, it seems the secret of human contact with other intelligences present on the Earth has been hidden. Who is keeping the secret hidden? What and who are these intelligences operating behind the scenes, and …

Stephen Aftergood: US Army Field Manual 3-55 Information Collection

NEW ARMY DOCTRINE ON “INFORMATION COLLECTION” An Army field manual published last week explains the Army’s conduct of information collection activities in military operations. “In this manual, the term ‘information collection’ is introduced as the Army’s replacement for ‘intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance’ (also known as ISR),” the manual says. “This publication clarifies how the Army …

David Isenberg: Private Military Corporations – Chapter Twelve

Chapter 12 David Isenberg Huffington Post, 29 April 2012 After ten years of operation by private military and security (PMSC) contractors in Afghanistan and Iraq, what ethical lessons should we draw from their use? Namely, that private sector contracting has become an integral part of modern international operations, and in Afghanistan and Iraq contracting has …

Mini-Me: To Legalize Marijuana or Criminalize Government Misbehavior – That Is the Question

Huh? Hundreds Of Economists Agree Marijuana Legalization Could Save US Taxpayers $13.7 Billion Per Year (NaturalNews) Marijuana prohibition currently costs taxpayers billions of dollars a year to enforce, and it accomplishes little or nothing beneficial in terms of economic benefits. On the contrary, legalizing marijuana would not only save taxpayers billions of dollars a year in …