Carnegie Council Competitive Ethics Just Business: Two Interviews on Competitive Intelligence – Richard Horowitz and Cynthia Cheng Correia

Two Interviews on Competitive Intelligence – Richard Horowitz and Cynthia Cheng Correia Carnegie Council Competitive Ethics Just Business July 3, 2012 JULIA TAYLOR KENNEDY: Welcome to Just Business. I’m Julia Taylor Kennedy. Thomas Jefferson once said, “I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man.” One field that …

Gordon Duff: Germany Mounts Nuke Missiles On Subs For Israel

Germany Mounts Nuke Missiles On Subs For Israel Israel Has No Cruise Missile Capabability, Germans Violate Non-Proliferation Treaty Today, Germany admitted arming nuclear submarines for Israel, not just selling subs, but supplying missiles and warheads.  Did they say so openly?  In fact, based on research any journalist is capable of, they did exactly that.  We …

Review: The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust

Robert David Steele 5.0 out of 5 stars End Result of Quarter Century Walk-About,June 5, 2012 Updated 27 June: Why on earth is this book in top 100 for Espionage? I can only speculate that because I am a former spy, trained over 7,500 intelligence professionals, and have been an arch critic of secret intelligence …