Owl: China Swamps US Across the Board – Made in China Computer Chips Have Back Doors, 45 Other “Ways & Means” Sucking Blood from US

Two Ways the Chinese May Take Over the World and the US: 1) Chinese Stuxnet for the Rest of the World If what this analyst says is true, it paints a truly astonishing in implication and very, very ugly picture of the national security situation in store for most governments – especially in the US: …

Gary North: Empires Disintegrate

The Looming Reversal of Centralization by Gary North Tea Party Economist “Centralization induces apoplexy at the center and anemia at the extremities.” ~ Lamenais The present political system is clearly insane. It suffers from schizophrenia. Around the world, almost no one trusts the politicians, yet almost everyone votes for incumbent politicians who promise to reform …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Al Qaeda Struggles with Training, Diminishing World Influence, says TRAC Black-Scholes: The maths formula linked to the financial crash Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation Has the internet run out of ideas already? Internet censorship listed: how does each country compare? Internet Hall of Fame (Pioneers, Innovators, …

Mini-Me: Hundreds of Thousands Will Go Off-Line in July – With Verification Comment by Winn Schwartau

Huh? FBI: Hundreds Of Thousands May Lose Internet In July WASHINGTON (AP) — For computer users, a few mouse clicks could mean the difference between staying online and losing Internet connections this summer. Unknown to most of them, their problem began when international hackers ran an online advertising scam to take control of infected computers …

Berto Jongman: Interesting National Security Headlines

Book Review – Truth And Consequences: The U.S. vs. Bradley Manning French Cyber-Strategy GPS with Soul Hacktivism at Risk Integral Leadership Rosetta Stone Kony 2012 White Savior Industrial Complex Magnetic Pole Reversal Has Started – Will Take a Thousand Years Malware Proliferation Estimates PDF: Carnage Interrupted: An Analysis of Fifteen Terrorist Plots Against Public Surface …

DefDog: Deja Vu on Cyber-Security, 25 Years After Terminal Compromise

Deja vu!  Seem to recall Winn Schwartau saying all of this in 1990-1991. The Looming Specter of Cyber Warfare: Deprivations and Social Breakdowns Keeping your finger on the pulse of evolving cyber threats is very difficult as they change so frequently and abruptly. In the following interview, IDGA’s @DefenseInsider explores the current and future landscape …