Reference (2010): Fixing Intel–A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan

UPDATE: A colleague from within asked us to highlight this quote with the observation that neither the US IC nor DoD have any clue how to execute.  We agree.  Both lack leadership with vision and multinational panache; they simply do not know what they do not know because they have both wasted the last 21 …

Journal: Second Amendment versus “Police Pirvacy”

Police fight cellphone recordings: Witnesses taking audio of officers arrested, charged with illegal surveillance Crooked cops in Boston arresting citizens for recording misconduct with cellphones Phi Beta Iota: The police will not only lose this one, we anticipate that one day the Second Amendment will apply to radar detectors and other forms of defense against …

Journal: Historian’s View of CIA, Yemen, and Air Threat

Detroit jet terrorist attack was staged – journalist The recent failed attack on a US passenger jet traveling from Amsterdam to Detroit was a set-up provocation controlled by US intelligence, author and journalist Webster Tarpley stated to RT. “[The terrorist’s] father, a rich Nigerian banker, went to the US embassy in Nigeria on November 19 …