Event: 19-20 Oct DC, 29-30 Oct SanFran, 15-16 Nov London, Predictive Analytics Conference and Workshops

Predictive Analytics World Conferences/Workshops in Oct & Nov The predictive analytics conferences and workshops are coming right up – three Predictive Analytics Worlds (PAW) that I’m chairing, and one stand-alone workshop I facilitate. Let me know if you have any questions about their agendas. Oct 19-20 – WASHINGTON DC: PAW Conference & Workshops (pawcon.com/dc) Oct …

Google Watch: Google is the only source, “Do Not Track Me” List, WSJ “What They Know” Series

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has a requirement to provide a secured, hosted environment that provides web-based access to geospatial visualization services and Open Geospatial Consortium complaint web service interfaces. The Schedule of Supplies/Services provides for the period of performance from 20 September 2010 through 19 September 2011 and two 12-month option years. This acquisition …

Project Masiluleke: The Mobile Phone as Life-Saving Device Against HIV/AIDS in South Africa

Project Masiluleke is a South African project that aims to find solutions for the country’s growing AIDS pandemic. The project is unique in that it enjoys the collaboration of a group of leading South African and international partners in the clinical, technical, philanthropic, development and design arena’s. The project was unveiled globally at the annual …

The 19 most influential cybersecurity organizations in the world (GAO)

The Government Accountability Office identified 19 global organizations “whose international activities significantly influence the security and governance of cyberspace.” The organizations range from information-sharing forums that are non-decision-making gatherings of experts to private organizations to treaty-based, decision-making bodies founded by countries. The groups address a variety of topics from incident response,  the development of technical …

DHS: A Political Filter for FOIA Info Requests

By TED BRIDIS (AP) – July 21, 2010 WASHINGTON — For at least a year, the Homeland Security Department detoured hundreds of requests for federal records to senior political advisers for highly unusual scrutiny, probing for information about the requesters and delaying disclosures deemed too politically sensitive, according to nearly 1,000 pages of internal e-mails …

Contributing Editor: Michael Ostrolenk

Michael D. Ostrolenk completed his Masters Degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology atJohn F. Kennedy University and BA in government at West Virginia Wesleyan College. He did post-graduate training in health andsomatic psychology and is certified in Spiral Dynamics and Wade Mindsets. He is currently a licensed psychotherapist (CA). In the area of health care, Michael founded the Medical Privacy …