Journal: Wind Power Boondoggle–and the Information Operations (IO) Challenge of Energy and Time in Relation to Policy, Acquisition, and Operations

My good friend Robert Bryce, author of the must-read Power Hungry: The Myths of ‘Green’ Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future just launched this little torpedo. A Wind Power Boonedoggle T. Boone Pickens badly misjudged the supply and price of natural gas. By ROBERT BRYCE, Wall Street Journal, 22 December 2010 After 30 …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Japan and Search for Rare Earths (e.g. Lithium)

Japan and the Search for Rare Earth Elements India: The Japanese trading house Toyota Tsusho Corporation announced that it will begin construction of a rare earth processing plant in India in 2011 in an effort to secure suppliers beyond China, Kyodo reported. The group company of Toyota Motor Corp. will build the plant in Orison …

Journal: Two Denied Area Intelligence Failures

The first of two on IC failures….as if we didn’t need any more proof.  DefDog Reports indicate China’s fifth generation jet fighter rollout far ahead of U.S. intel projections, December 1, 2010 Chinese military Internet reports indicate that China may roll out its first fifth generation fighter as early as this month, far earlier …

NIGHTWATCH EXTRACT: STRATFOR Does Not Understand Intelligence

NIGHTWATCH For the record. STRATFOR published an essay on intelligence that posited that the tension in the intelligence world is between collectors and others and analysts. That mischaracterizes of the source of the tension and shows very limited insight. At the national level, among national agencies, there is an overwhelming volume of information sharing on …

Review: Ideas and Integrities–A Spontaneous Autobiographical Disclosure

Buckminster Fuller 6 Star and Beyond–the Essence of Fuller, the Future of Humanity November 28, 2010 I did not truly begin to understand the breadth and depth of Buckminster Fuller’s thinking until I read this book as it deserves to be read, with full attention and detailed notes. This is one of those books that …