REVEALED: The True Story of Dr. Dr. Dave Warner and the Synergy Strike Force

The Merry Pranksters Who Hacked the Afghan War It was a dark time in a long, drawn-out war. Afghanistan was festering with resentment. The Pentagon brass were desperate. It was the kind of last-ditch moment when authorities start throwing an era’s weirdest ideas at its most hopeless bureaucratic mistakes. (ILLUSTRATIONS: GRAHAM SMITH) By Brian Calvert …

Mini-Me: UK General “We Should Have Talked to Taliban” Decade Ago

Huh? ‘We should have talked to Taliban’ says top British officer in Afghanistan Exclusive: General Nick Carter says west could have struck a deal with Taliban leaders after they were toppled a decade ago Emma Graham-Harrison in Kabul The Guardian, Friday 28 June 2013 The west should have tried talking to the Taliban a decade …

David Swanson: A Global Rescue Plan Within Our Means, in the Public Interest

A Global Rescue Plan When the wealthy nations of the world meet as the G8 or in any other gathering, it’s interesting to imagine what they would do if they followed the golden rule, valued grandchildren, disliked unnecessary suffering, or wished to outgrow ancient forms of barbarism, or any combination of those. The United States …

Neal Rauhauser: Transcript of Meeting Between Julian Assange and Eric Schmidt with Department of State Staff

All sort of stuff popping up today.  Worth a complete and careful reading. Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt Friday April 19, 2013 On the 23 of June, 2011 a secret five hour meeting took place between WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who was under house arrest in rural UK …

SchwartzReport: Bank of America Deep Crimes, Treason & Trade, Spanking for Jesus — the Criminally Insane Rule

The Bank of America should by all that is fair and reasonable be penalized by being broken up, and a number of senior officials being indicted and prosecuted in court. I doubt very much that any of that will happen. We have a Justice Department that clearly takes the position that big banks are above …

Berto Jongman: Explicit Photos of US Uniform Rapes of Iraqi Girls — and US Cover-Up Re-Surfacing in Asia and Europe

Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge Phi Beta Iota:  The rest of the world is sick of US misbehavior, upset at the continued posture of the US Government in covering up rather than remediating such persistent abuses, and saddened by the idiocy and passivity of the …

Akbar Ahmed: Drones kill three bad guys — and 30 innocents

Drones kill three bad guys — and 30 innocents: Akbar Ahmed Jun 12, 2013, 12.00AM IST [ Sameer Arshad ] The latest drone strike to hit Pakistan’s tribal region came days after the country’s new Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif demanded an end to such attacks. Academic Akbar Ahmed has authored The Thistle and the Drone on …