20120709 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything #openall (Twitter Hashtag) 20120708 Open Source Everything Highlights Open Source Red Hat’s journey through the “land of the giants” CULTURE | Robert Steele Joins Hackers on Planet Earth Event Free/Libre/Open Source (FLOSS, FOSS F/OSS) Free CAD Software to Create CAD Designs: NanoCAD FSF Restricted Boot Campaign GNU y Software Libre: La filosofia …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Afghanistan Poisoning of School Girls Anti-Piracy and Humanitarian Operations British Jihaddists Training in Middle East David Sanger Revelations Drugs, Crime, & Development Election Theft in the USA FBI Mueller on TEDAC and IED Analysis From Drugs to Gold – Baron Diversification Happy Planet Index India’s Cyber-Security Russia Music and Protest Russian Botnet – 6 million …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

24 June Uranus Square Pluto CBME Newsletter Drone Warfare (Book Review) Entanglement – Movie Trailer Extreme Right Wing Movements Fighting a Pandemic Flame Developed by Israel and USA GAO on Aviation Security Global Security Landscape Invisible Wars Movie Trailer Iran Detects Massive Cyber-Attack Israel – More Bunker Buster Bombs Jihaddist Twittering Jihaddist Twitter Use Meltdown …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Anonymous Internet / UnderNet Beyond Investigators Cost of Cybercrime (PDF) Cybercrime and Terror Cyber Dissidents Handbook Declassifying CT Ops in Yemen and Somalia – No Mention of Drones Has the Drug Industry’s Grip On Health Care Become a Pharmageddon Mexican Cartels – How They Make Their Billions Obama Report on Global Deathcraft Sun’s Eruption on …

Chuck Spinney: Drones — Of Idiots, By Idiots, For Idiots + Meta-RECAP

Attached is a really first rate assessment of the real benefits and costs of the American infatuation with drone warfare.  The writer, Patrick Cockburn, is one of the very best reporters now covering the wars in the Middle East and Central Asia. Chuck Spinney Cap Ferat, France America is deluded by its drone-warfare propaganda World View: …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

ANIMATION on the Educational System Attack on Iran a Bad Idea AUDIO:  Prevention of Nuclear Terorrism Beware of Imitators: Al-Qa`ida through the Lens of its Confidential Secretary Book: Little America – the War Within the War for Afghanistan Book: Rethinking the British Counterinsurgency BOOK REVIEW: David Sanger’s Confront & Conceal International Cooperation on Cyber-Security NCTC …