Event: AM 31 Mar Washington Panel on Complexity & Reflexivity, Washington Academy of Sciences + Meta-RECAP

Complexity and Reflexivity Papers presented at the Washington Academy of Sciences Washington, DC, March 31-April 1, 2012 UPDATED 24 Feb to post all links Conceptions of Complexity and Implications for Economics Stuart Umpleby, The George Washington University, Washington, DC Experiments in Reflexive Inquiry Kent Myers, Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton Conceptual Difficulties and Pragmatic Responses to …

Berto Jongman: Data Emergent on Extra-Terrestials + RECAP

President Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, former Pentagon consultant claims Ex-President met with extra-terrestrials on three separate occasions at New Mexico air base Eisenhower and FBI officials organised the meetings by sending out ‘telepathic messages’ EXTRACT: The 34th President of the United States met the extra terrestrials at a remote air base in …

2013: The Evolving Craft of Intelligence 3.6 As Published

The Evolving Craft of Intelligence [Version 3.1] Robert David Steele There is little desire in the developed intelligence nations to see the craft of intelligence evolve in line with the revolutions in information technology and globalization. Indeed, it can safely be said that most leaders with access to intelligence services do not value them—they are …

Review: Too Big to Know – Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren’t the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room

David Weinberger 5.0 out of 5 stars Simple Enough to Shake the Most Obtuse Leaders, February 10, 2012 First the disclosures. I asked for a copy of this book to review, David Weinberger being one of my heroes and I being unemployed at this time. They gave it to me and now that I have …

Michel Bauwens: Occupy as a Culture Change Movement

Discussing OWS (3): #OccupyWallStreet as a Culture Change Movement Excerpted from William Gamson: “The single most important thing to understand about the Occupy movement[deleted plural ending] is that it is primarily a movement about cultural change, not institutional and policy change. Cultural change means changing the nature of political discourse and the various spheres in …

USA: Wealth Gap Widens Between Members of Congress and Their Constituents

Wealth gap widens between lawmakers and constituents By Peter Whoriskey The Washington Post, Dec. 26, 2011 EXTRACT: But the financial gap between Americans and their representatives in Congress has widened considerably since then, according to an analysis of financial disclosures by The Washington Post. Between 1984 and 2009, the median net worth of a member …