Marcus Aurelius: Four Articles on Marines Desecrating Corpses

Four articles on the Marine urination issue follow.  Would not be surprised if they and others like them trigger a round of navel contemplation within the DoD military Services that will result in command micromanagement (exacerbating coming end strength challenges), undermine concepts such as the Marine Corps’ “Strategic Corporal,” and generate untold “programs” on professional military …

Marcus Aurelius: Central America – World’s Most Dangerous Place Fights Back

Central America: World’s Most Dangerous Place Fights Back Larry Luxner Washington Diplomat, January 2, 2012 EXTRACT: Earlier this year, Gen. Douglas Fraser, chief of the U.S. Southern Command in Miami, declared that “the northern triangle of Central America — Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras — has become probably the deadliest zone in the world outside …

Marcus Aurelius: Drug Cartels Recruiting Young Latinos in USA

Mexican Drug Cartels Recruit Young Latinos In Southern California Mexican drug cartels, in a disturbing new trend, are luring young people from Southern California to smuggle drugs across the border and carry out other illicit work for the criminal enterprises, according to law enforcement officials and youth activists. The result: More than 5,000 young people, …