2014-03-01 Global Reality Daily 0900 East

We’re playing around. None of the RSS / curation offerings are satisfactory. As a side note: the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) is Top Secret Limited Distribution and costs roughly 219 million dollars a day and is seen by very few. This daily is free and open to all.

Daniel Ellsberg: US Culture of Secrecy & Security Overreach

Q&A: Daniel Ellsberg on US surveillance The famed American whistle-blower discusses US national security, and those who expose its overreach. Sadie Luetmer Al Jazeera, 24 February 2014 Huntingdon, United States – In 1971, US military analyst Daniel Ellsberg leaked thousands of pages of a top-secret study on the Vietnam War to the American press. The …

Review: The People’s Advocate – The Life and Legal History of America’s Most Fearless Public Interest Lawyer [Danny Sheehan]

Danny Sheehan 6 Stars on Substance, Revolutionary Illumination, February 20, 2014 This is a book for smart people who care about the Constitution, the Republic, and America the Beautiful — the America of good people with big hearts and strong souls who do the best they can while trapped amidst a complex of corrupt systems …

BUCKY 2.0: Cosmic Quotes

Following are some poignant quotes that might be considered a backdrop for our Cosmically Adequate (CA) consideration/pursuit/exploration: R. Buckminster Fuller 45 quotes Daniel Quinn 37 quotes Alex Gerber 22 quotes Mary Baker Eddy 20 quotes David Brower 14 quotes Jean Liedloff  10 quotes Robert Fritz 6 quotes Alan Weisman  5 quotes Pete Carroll 4 quotes …