Josh Kilbourn: David Stockman on Political Gridlock & Irresponsibility

OMB’s Stockman: “We’re At The Fiscal Endgame” To those on the hill and elsewhere who suggest this growing ‘fiscal cliff’ and ‘debt ceiling’ crisis will all get solved, former Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director David Stockman tells Bloomberg TV that “they will punt, punt, punt and kick the can with partial solutions driven …

Josh Kilbourn: Unemployed College Graduates – Trending Ugly

The Benefits Of A College Education Tyler Durden ZeroHedge, 05/21/2012 … Are what again? As the following graphic from IBD demonstrates, for the first time in history, a majority of jobless workers over 25 have attended some college, and now outnumber those without a job who simply have a high school diploma or less. But …

Josh Kilbourn: “We Are About To Have Another 2008-Style Crisis”

Chris Martenson: “We Are About To Have Another 2008-Style Crisis” EXTRACT: There really is no choice for Greece but to leave the euro, and the sooner, the better. Even then, there is a lot of hardship coming their way. But in my estimation, that’s better than the imposed austerity that is a guaranteed torture chamber. …

David Stockman: Emperor Naked, Bond Market Explodes Next

The Emperor is Naked: David Stockman Testosterone Pit, May 9, 2012 Contributed by Karen Roche and JT Long of The Gold Report. A “paralyzed” Federal Reserve Bank, in its “final days,” held hostage by Wall Street “robots” trading in markets that are “artificially medicated” are just a few of the bleak observations shared by David Stockman, former Republican …

Josh Kilbourn: “we are this far from a turnkey totalitarian state”

NSA Whistleblower Speaks Live: “The Government Is Lying To You” Just a month ago we raised more than a proverbial eyebrow when we noted the creation of the NSA’s Utah Data Center (codename Stellar Wind) and William Binney’s formidable statement that “we are this far from a turnkey totalitarian state”. Democracy Now has the former …