Josh Kilbourn: Global Systemic Risk Is Rising Rapidly Again

Global Systemic Risk Is Rising Rapidly Again Submitted by Tyler Durden on ZeroHedge, 04/11/2012 15:26 -0400 The risk of the 30 most systemically important financial institutions (SIFI) in the world has risen over 30% in the last three weeks as the effects of LTRO fade and encumbrance becomes the new reality. This less-manipulated, government-bank-reacharound-driven bond-market …

Mini-Me: Geithner’s Fingerprints? Tungsten Gold Bar in UK + Meta-RECAP on Financial Fraud

Huh? Tungsten-Filled 1 Kilo Gold Bar Found In The UK The last time a story of Tungsten-filled gold appeared on the scene was just two years ago, and involved a 500  gram bar of gold full of tungsten, at the W.C. Heraeus foundry, the world’s largest metal refiner and fabricator. It also became known that said …

Owl: ChemTrails, Martial Law, Oil Derivatives…

Chemtrails Against US General Public? This article explains how to distinguish ordinary contrails from what is a by-definition hazardous chemtrail in the sky. The reason it is hazardous is the two chemicals researchers were able to identify from chemtrails residues: “Several sky watchers throughout the world have had residue samples analyzed after collecting them in …

Mini-Me: Is Germany About to Start a Run on Gold Held at the New York Fed?

Is Germany About to Start a Run on Gold Held at the New York Fed? Economic Policy Journal, 8 March 2012 German lawmakers are to review Bundesbank controls of and management of Germany’s gold reserves. Parliament’s Budget Committee will assess how the central bank manages its inventory of Germany’s gold bullion bars that are believed …