Paul Craig Roberts: A Majority of Americans Do Not Believe the Official 9/11 Story

A Majority of Americans Do Not Believe the Official 9/11 Story “Conspiracy Theorists” Now A Majority A 2016 study from Chapman University in California, found more than half of the American people believe the government is concealing information about the 9/11 attacks. This is in part because, large sections of the official US government report …

SPECIAL: Zionist 9/11 Deception – Refocus US Public on the Saudis

Americans Outraged After Sculpture Celebrating Saudi Arabia Emblazoned with Inscription of Shahada Erected on Ground Zero Americans were outraged after a nine-foot tall statue celebrating Saudi Arabia emblazoned with the Islamic creed, the Shahada, “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet,” was erected on Ground Zero last week.

QAnon on 9/11 Nuclear…

See Especially: Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for the Truth — False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE 9: Criminal Grand Jury Is ON! See Also: 9/11 Nuclear @ Phi Beta Iota

SPECIAL: US Attorney (New York) Acknowledges Letter Demanding Criminal Grand Jury for 9/11 and Commits to Submit Evidence to Special Grand Jury

United States Attorney Agrees to Comply with Federal Law Requiring Submission to Special Grand Jury of Report by Lawyers’ Committee and 9/11 Victim Family Members of Yet-To-Be-Prosecuted 9/11 Related Federal Crimes This is the first step toward indicting Dick Cheney and the various traitors that enabled the Zionist planning and execution of 9/11 beginning in …

David Ray Griffin & Elizabeth Woodworth: 9/11 Unmarked – 23 Experts Find 51 Falsehoods in Official Reports

Americans should be outraged by the fact that this country’s foreign policy since 2001, which has resulted in millions of deaths, has been based on a complex deception. 9/11 Unmasked is the result of a six-year investigation by an international review panel, which has provided 51 points illustrating the problematic status of all the major …

SPECIAL: Zionist 9/11 Micro-Nukes UPDATE 1: 97% at MAGA Rallies Agree This Is Real

From a source I had in the past who was in Israel, I personally believe that they developed micro-nukes based on lithium 7 and protons which function as implosive anti-matter micro-nukes placed ever ten floors in the twin-towers in the elevator shafts by now shut down elevator maintenance company that was working on elevators in …