Stephen E. Arnold: Google Search Implodes — Loss of Integrity in Every Respect

Google and Universal Search or Google Floudering with Search There have been some experts who have noticed that Google has degraded blog search. In the good old days, it was possible to query Google’s index of Web logs. It was not comprehensive, and it was not updated with the zippiness of years past. Search Engine …

Stephen E. Arnold: Search Implodes, Yahoo & Google Both is Jeopardy

What Most Search Vendors Cannot Pull Off I recently submitted an Information Today column that reported about Antidot’s tactical play to enter the US market. One of the fact checkers for the write up alerted me that most of the companies I identified were unknown to US readers. Test yourself. How many of these firms …

Stephen E. Arnold: Improving Government Data Access – Avoid PDF, Provide CSV, Simplify Search

Steps Offered to Improve Government Data Sites The article on FlowingData titled How to Make Government Data Sites Better uses the Center for Disease Control website to illustrate measures the government should take to make their data more accessible and manageable. The first suggestion is to provide files in a useable format. By avoiding PDFs …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Has Killed Search — For-gedda-bout-it

Google: Search Is So Yesterday Net net: It will become more difficult to obtain objective search results going forward. For a person who needs accurate, timely information the research job is going to get more difficult in the months ahead. PBI: Google only does shallow web. It can do deep web, but you must pay …

Stephen E. Arnold: Elastisearch Open Source Rules Search — Bulldozing Content Processing

Elasticsearch: Bulldozing Content Processing When I left the intelligence conference in Prague, there were a number of companies in my graphic about open source search. When I got off the airplane, I edited my slide. Looks to me as if Elasticsearch has just bulldozed the search and content sector, commercialized open source group. I would …

Stephen E. Arnold: Bill Suggests Replacing NTIS with Google Search

Bill Suggests Replacing NTIS with Google Search The article titled There’s a ‘Let Me Google That For You’ Bill on Talking Points Memo relates the substance of a bipartisan bill (sponsored by Tom Coburn and Clair McCaskill). The bills purpose is to save the taxpayer money by resorting to Google and eliminating the National Technical …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Big Data Tool Combines MapR with Elasticsearch

MapR Integrates Elasticsearch into Platform Writer Christopher Tozzi opens his Var Guy article, “MapR, Elasticsearch Partner on Open Source Big Data Search,” with a good question: With so many Hadoop distributions out there, what makes one stand out? MapR hopes an integration with Elasticsearch will help them with that. The move brings to MapR, as …