David Swanson: Even Failed Activism Succeeds

Why Even Failed Activism Succeeds I enjoy reading histories of past activism, including memoirs by long-time activists, such as Lawrence Wittner’s new book, Working for Peace and Justice. Almost every such account includes belated discoveries of the extent to which a government was been spying on and infiltrating activist groups. And almost every such account …

David Swanson: 1939 Essay Predicted Hitler, Predicts US Dictatorship

The Global War on Terror, in the Original German By David Swanson In 1939, Sebastian Haffner sat down and wrote a pre-history of Nazism. Nazism had not been inevitable. It had not progressed steadily without setbacks. But it had been growing for many years, even before the name for it existed. It had been coming …

David Swanson: Nobel Laureate Rejects State Department Event & Agenda

Nobel Peace Laureate Rejects U.S. State Department – NATO – Chicago Agenda FROM: MAIREAD MAGUIRE Dear Friends, I write to let you know that I have decided not to attend the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates on 23rd-25th April, 2012, in Chicago, USA. On 10th April, Sec. of State H. Clinton appeared on …

David Swanson: Obama OK on Israel Nuking Iran — AFTER the November 2012 Election

Evidence of War Lies Public Pre-War This Time By David Swanson WarIsACrime.org, 9 March 2012 When President George W. Bush was pretending to want to avoid a war on Iraq while constantly pushing laughably bad propaganda to get that war going, we had a feeling he was lying.  After all, he was a Republican.  But …

David Swanson: Virginia Says No to NDAA Lawless Imprisonment of US Citizens – States Separating from Federal – Plan for Collapse?

Virginia Says No to Lawless Imprisonment Good things do come out of the Virginia state legislature.  That normally reprehensible body has just stood up to the federal outrage that has come to be known as the NDAA.  The letters stand for the National Defense Authorization Act, but at issue here is not the bulk of …

David Swanson: Deep Insights Into MICC Misbehavior Focus on Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup Grumman, General Dynamics

Phi Beta Iota:  The meat is below the line, itemizing corporate misbehavior and political bribes in relation to awarded contracts, most of which do not produce needed capabilities that live up to their Powerpoint engineering. The Election We Should Be Following For progressives and populists around the country who take an interest in Congressional races …