Future of Freedom Foundation: CIA, JFK, and the Miami/Cuba PSYOP File….

JFK Assassination: George Joannides’ CIA Files – Can They Help Determine Who Killed President Kennedy? Fifty years after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the Central Intelligence Agency is refusing to release classified documents in CIA Officer George Joannides’ file that could perhaps determine what really happened in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. Joseph Lazzaro International …

Review (Guest): The Empire of Necessity – Slavery, Freedom, and Deception in the New World

Greg Grandin The complexity of the moral landscape during America’s founding generation, March 2, 2014 Herbert L Calhoun “paulocal” The reader is unlikely to find a book that better contextualizes or sharpens the focus of the moral issues confronting America’s founding generation than this book. Using the metaphor of “empires of necessity,” the author shows …

Internet Society of NY: Isaac Wilder on Freedom Network

Isaac Wilder – The Internet is for Everyone Internet Society New York Chapter President David Solomonoff interviews Isaac Wilder and Marcus Eagan of the Free Network Foundation at the FreedomBox Hackfest at Columbia Law School NYC on Feb 18 2012 http://freenetwork foundation.org gfdl isoc-ny.org 2012 PUNKCAST#2004-03 Webcast support: NYI http://nyi.net

Jean Lievens: Toward a Salutary Political Economy – Freedom from Jobs

Toward a Salutary Political-Economy – Freedom from Jobs By Elliot Sperber While gains have certainly been made toward a more inclusive, egalitarian society over the half-century since Martin Luther King delivered his iconic I Have a Dream Speech (as part of the March for Jobs and Justice in Washington, D.C.), in many respects – particularly …