Jack Mullen: Israel Demands New War: War With Iran is the War to Deliberately Destroy America

Israel Demands New War: War With Iran is the War to Deliberately Destroy America In a nutshell, the United States has been at war in the Middle East, for the purposes of Israel’s plans for world domination since 1991 – 28 years! The longest War in American history. Iran has done nothing to the United …

Amazon Kindle: No War on Iran If Rouhani “Makes the Call”: His Call Could Trigger the Firing of Bolton, Pompeo, and Perhaps Abrams (Trump Revolution Book 36) #1 #2 #8 #20 @ Amazon

# 1 in New Release in War & Peace #2 in Politics & Social Sciences Short Reads #8 in War & Peace (Kindle Store) #20 in War & Peace (Books) Having failed to achieve an invasion of Syria or the subversion of Venezuela, both logical follow-ons to the failures in Iraq and Afghanistan that our President has said …

Yoda: Peace, Not War, with Iran

May the President be blessed with advisors of intelligence and integrity after he disposes of Pompeo and Bolton. Pablo  Escobar: The Dead Don’t Die –  They March to War The Saker: The AngloZionist Empire: a Hyperpower with Microbrains and No Cred Left

Robert Steele: War on Iran? No. Fire Pompeo & Bolton? Yes — Iran’s President Should “Make the Call” Here’s How…

Below is Pepe Escobar’s account of the state of play between Russia, China, and the USA on all topics. Pompeo is an embarrassment — out of his league. Bolton is simply a traitor — an agent of a foreign power — and perhaps out of his mind as well. What Putin and Pompeo did not …