David Swanson: Virginia Says No to NDAA Lawless Imprisonment of US Citizens – States Separating from Federal – Plan for Collapse?

Virginia Says No to Lawless Imprisonment Good things do come out of the Virginia state legislature.  That normally reprehensible body has just stood up to the federal outrage that has come to be known as the NDAA.  The letters stand for the National Defense Authorization Act, but at issue here is not the bulk of …

#OWS #ElectoralReform Strategy Memorandum

Restoring the Republic – One  People – One Voice – One Community Grand Strategy is about combining means (inputs) and ways to achieve ends (outcomes). In very general terms, the strategic outcomes that appear to be sought by the mélange of participants in the emerging nation-wide—even global—rebellion against the existing system—center around social justice as …

Review (Guest): No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence

Hamilton Bean 5.0 out of 5 stars The Folly of Secret Intelligence,July 28, 2011 By  Retired Reader (New Mexico) – See all my reviews Ever had someone try to undercut your position by alluding to “secret” information whose details, alas, cannot be shared but allegedly trump your arguments. How much worse when it is the …