Mongoose: Time to Stop All Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia

Campaigners Urge Britain to Follow Netherlands in Banning Arms Exports to Saudi Arabia Campaigners are pressuring the British government to follow the lead of The Netherlands and ban the country’s arms exports to Saudi Arabia as the Gulf Kingdom continues to conduct air strikes on civilian populations in Yemen.

Berto Jongman: Saudi Arabia Collapsing — and Has Nuclear Weapons

Start Preparing for the Collapse of the Saudi Kingdom Saudi Arabia is no state at all. It’s an unstable business so corrupt to resemble a criminal organization and the U.S. should get ready for the day after. CIA Confirms Saudi Arabia Have 7 Nuclear Bombs Ready To Use The founding Director of the CIA’s Counter-Terrorism …

Yoda: Sweden Gets It Right, Slams Saudi Arabia on Gender and Arms Sales — Missed the Export of Terrorism and Illegal Immigrants

Who’s Afraid of a Feminist Foreign Policy? Jenny Nordberg, New Yorker, 15 April 2015 Last month, Saudi Arabia abruptly cut ties with Sweden, recalling its ambassador and announcing that it would issue no new visas to Swedish business travelers. The cause, according to Saudi Arabia, was some remarks made by Margot Wallström, the foreign minister …

Event: 5-6 March 2016 Washington DC Summit on Saudi Arabia

Dates: March 5- 6, 2016 Times: Saturday, 8:00am to 9:00pm | Sunday, 8:00 am to 5:00pm Location: The UDC David A. Clarke School of Law (4340 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008) CODEPINK, along with The Nation Magazine, Institute for Policy Studies, Peace Action, and many other organizations (see below), is hosting a two-day summit examining the policies and …

Robert Parry: Time to Sanction Saudi Arabia

Hitting Saudi Arabia Where It Hurts Exclusive: Though faced with a global terrorism crisis, Official Washington can’t get beyond its neocon-led “tough-guy-gal” rhetoric. But another option – financial sanctions on Saudi Arabia – might help finally shut down the covert supply of money and arms to Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, writes Robert Parry.