Penguin: Open Source to Power Security Operations

Open source to power Telstra security operations centres Telstra will offer enterprise-grade managed security services from SOCs in Melbourne and Sydney The telco’s director of security solutions, Neil Campbell, said the new SOCs and Telstra’s new platform are part of “reimagining” how managed security services are delivered, particularly in the context of the vast quantities …

Mongoose: Omidyar as a Threat to National Security — the Open Government Partnership as a Fifth Column Subverting the Constitution and the Republic

An investigative report from a Citizen. Dear Mr. Steele: You are ABSOLUTELY on target!  I discovered you last fall and have devoured your interviews and much of your writing. Your comprehensive approach to problems and solutions is, unfortunately, a rarity these days.  We need more of you! Your challenge to Bannon during yesterday’s Hagmann interview …

Robert Steele: “I Told You So” — From Elections to Yahoo, Everyone Has Been Grossly Irresponsible on Cyber-Security

The below letter was sent to the White House point person for cyber-security in 1994. I introduced NSA to hackers (they brought two bus-loads to my 1993 conference), co-founded the Information Warfare Conference with Winn Schwartau, and was the opening speaker at Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) in 1994. Apart from ignoring us entirely — …

An American Grand Strategy: Evidence-Based, Affordable, Balanced, Flexible (Re-Inventing National Security Book 1)

The American Republic is out of balance — collapsing from poor governance and the triumph of special interests over the public interest. There are two root causes — the corruption of the US political process that disenfranchises sixty percent of the public and blocks Independents and small parties from ballot access, and a dysfunctional intelligence …

Global Reality: Overview of Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations (Re-Inventing National Security Book 2)

Reality bats last — the US military has not been designed in the context of a Grand Strategy, nor has it been designed with any attention at all to Global Reality. The US military is too slow, too heavy, too expensive, too complex, and spread too thin to be effective — it cannot deter, defend, …

Re-Inventing the US Army: Strategy, Reality, Precepts, Structure, & Leadership (Re-Inventing National Security Book 3)

We have, with the election of Donald Trump,a once-in-a-century opportunity to rethink, reinvent, and reinvest in our national military concepts, doctrine, human capital, organizations, technologies, and command structures, while eradicating much of the waste that is characteristic of a “government specifications cost plus” approach to contracting. Donald Trump won against all odds, against both parties, …