Patrick Cockburn: Saudi Arabia Funds Terrorism & Mass Murder — USG Silent & Therefore Complicit [While Also Approving $4B to “Train & Equip” Saudi National Guard]

Mass murder in the Middle East is funded by our friends the Saudis World View: Everyone knows where al-Qa’ida gets its money, but while the violence is sectarian, the West does nothing Patrick Cockburn The Independent, Sunday 8 December 2013 Donors in Saudi Arabia have notoriously played a pivotal role in creating and maintaining Sunni …

Berto Jongman: Saudi Arabia’s Efforts to Expand Radical Islam and Support Terrorism

Saudi Arabia’s Efforts to Expand Radical Islam and Support Terrorism Rachel Ehrenfeld and Ken Jensen American Center for Democracy, 23 February 2013 On the eve of the Arab Spring, Rachel Ehrenfeld published a lengthy and important study titled, “Their Oil Is Thicker Than Our Blood“*on Saudi support for Islamist terrorism and the global expansion of …

John Steiner: US “War on Terror” Has INCREASED Terrorism

From Gary Sycalik Fellow earth-travelers, An exceedingly important article / blog is copied below.  It involves the War on Terror.   The very important rule rule is “Follow-the-Money.” So, when applied to the War on Terror what do we find?  Perhaps, we find a tremendous strengthening of the Military-Industrial-Complex, a substantiation for unconscionable U.S. military …

Berto Jongman: Bridget Rose Nolan’s Dissertation on Information Sharing and Collaboration in the US IC: An Ethnogrpahic Study of the National Counterterrorism Center

INFORMATION SHARING AND COLLABORATION IN THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY: AN ETHNOGRAPHIC STUDY OF THE NATIONAL COUNTERTERRORISM CENTER Bridget Rose Nolan A DISSERTATION in Sociology Presented to the Faculties of the University of Pennsylvania in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy On balance, then, the combination of structural and …

Berto Jongman: Crime Analytics Tool Cuts Crime Rates (Tactically — Governments Still Corrupt on Causes of Crime, Insurgency, Revolution, and Terrorism at the Strategic Level)

Predicting the Epicenter of Crime: Analytics Tool Cuts Crime Rates A predictive policing tool in use in the U.S. and abroad helps law enforcement predict crime in the same way that geologists predict earthquakes. EXTRACT Brantingham said that there are features in the environment that, by their nature, are prone to crime, much like faults …