Veterans Today: The Criminalization of America — Cops Are Zionists, Deplorables are “Fair Game” Equivalent to Palestinians?

The Overcriminalization of America: Are We All Criminals Now? Many Americans through their own compliance have become unwitting accomplices in the government’s efforts to prosecute otherwise law-abiding citizens for unknowingly violating some statute in its vast trove of laws written by bureaucrats who operate above the law. Incredibly, Congress has been creating on average 55 …

Robert Steele: Boycott Major Baseball League! They Folded to Agents of a Foreign Power (Israel) and Are Discriminating Against Roger Waters, National Musician, Because He Is Critical of Zionist Apartheid Genocidal Israel…

This is Strike 54 Against the Zionist Apartheid Genocidal State of Israel and its foreign agents (B’Nai Brith, AIPAC, ADL) in the USA. They should all lose their non-profit status and be forced to register as foreign agents. And we should all boycott anything sponsored by the Major Baseball League. The Zionists (not to be …