Owl: It Sure Sucks When Reality and Conspiracy Merge – Is Greenwald Next? + Hastings & Car Hacking RECAP

The times, as Bob Dylan wrote, “are a`changin.”  Conspiracy theories about journalist Michale Hastings’ death – or murder – now have now been pumped out via “mainstream” vehicles, such as Huff Post, without it being just another exercise for bashing conspiracy theories with ridicule and rejection under the at-times hallucinatory influence of maximum prejudice and …

Owl: 33 “Conspiracy Theories” Proven True — Many with Government Betrayal of Public Trust as Central Feature

So many smug people claim conspiracy theories don’t exist, they are something less educated people believe. Next time someone tells you this, direct them to this compilation of 33 conspiracy theories that turned out true. Phi Beta Iota:  “Conspiracy theory” is one step up (a big step) from “watch your language.”  A huge piece of …

Penguin: “Or Your Lying Eyes…” Truth and Fiction in the News Business – Conspiracy of Lies While US Networks Prepare & Rehearse for Israeli Attack on Iran

“Or Your Lying Eyes…” Truth and Fiction in the News Business Alex Cockburn Counterpunch, Weekend Edition February 10-12, 2012 If you want a sense of what could well lie in store for Syria, go no further than Anthony Shadid’s report from Libya in the New York Times for February 9. Shadid, a good reporter, describes …

Worth a Look: From The Netherlands, Recommended…on Afghanistan, Muslim Brotherhood, Conspiracy Theories (and Responses)

Seeking Solutions for Afghanistan: A Report on the Abu Dhabi Process DOI: 31 August 2010 NEW BOOK: Some analysts and policy makers see these organizations as positive forces encouraging integration. Others cast them as modern-day Trojan horses, feigning moderation while radicalizing Western Muslims.   Lorenzo Vidino brokers a third, more informed view.   DOI:  1 September 2010 …

Journal: Crazy Conspiracy Memes–Theirs & Ours

  Those irrational, misled, conspiratorial Muslims BY GLENN GREENWALD, Salon, 26 May 2010  FULL STORY ONLINE The New York Times this morning has a particularly lush installment of one of the American media’s most favored, reliable, and self-affirming rituals — it’s time to mock and pity Those Crazy, Primitive, Irrational, Propagandized Muslims and their Wild …