2013: The Evolving Craft of Intelligence 3.6 As Published

The Evolving Craft of Intelligence [Version 3.1] Robert David Steele There is little desire in the developed intelligence nations to see the craft of intelligence evolve in line with the revolutions in information technology and globalization. Indeed, it can safely be said that most leaders with access to intelligence services do not value them—they are …

Robert Steele: Intelligent Management of Intelligence Agencies, and the New Craft of Intelligence

I have begun drafting my portion of the new Handbook of Intelligence Studies (Routledge, 2013), it is a chapter early on entitled “The Craft of Intelligence.”  I pick up where Allen Dulles and Sherman Kent left off.  My graphic on Intelligence Maturity captures the essence of my thinking at the strategic level, but of course …

Robert Steele: The Craft of Intelligence – OLD vs. NEW

UPDATED 18 January 2014 Intelligence Chief Describes Complex Challenges. America and the world are facing the most complex set of challenges in at least 50 years, the director of national intelligence told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence here today. James R. Clapper Jr. said capabilities, technologies, know-how, communications and environmental forces “aren’t confined by …

Review: Ecological Intelligence – The Hidden Impacts of What We Buy

Daniel Goleman Relevance, Content, Price–Solid Five,December 29, 2011 I chose this book over Ecological Intelligence: Rediscovering Ourselves in Nature and seeing the author’s note about this other book “by a physician, Jungian analyst, and poet” am certain I made the right choice. The author’s “big idea” is called “Radical Transparency,” what the rest of us …

Reference (2010): Human Intelligence (HUMINT) – All Humans, All Minds, All the Time [PDF & Full Text Online]

Human Intelligence (HUMINT): All Humans, All Minds, All the Time (US Army Strategic Studies Institute, June 2010) Short URL: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-HUMINT Below the line: full text for automated translation.  The Amazon version is published by someone else abusing my original copyright granted only to SSI. Click on cover for free PDF download, or read full text …

Google Effect: Signs of Intelligence in the UK

‘Google Effect’ Raised Bar for Spies to ‘Produce Secret Intelligence’: Ex-UK Intelligence Chief The rise of the web and Google means that spies in the UK need to work really hard to produce genuinely secret intelligence, former director of the country’s intelligence agency has said. Former chief of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) Sir David …