Amazon Kindle: Pedophila & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State (Trump Revolution Book 13)

Pedophilia – including the murder of children, the drinking of their adrenalized blood, and the harvesting of their bodies for body parts and bone marrow – is both the glue that helps the elite control the Deep State, and the Achilles’ heel of the Deep State. I salute President Putin for his commitment to eradicating …

Robert Steele: Vatican Pedophilia & Illuminati Blood Drinking UPDATE: PedoEmpire Book Free Online

In the aftermath of my speech in NYC on 18 May 2017, to an audience that was 50% fans who are already awake and 50% New Yorkers who are not yet awake and were therefore shocked by my mention of the Vatican as part of the Deep State and the role of pedophilia and child …

Mongoose: The Deep State and False Flag Operations — Empire, Gladio, Death of the West

The “Deep State” and the Unspoken Crimes of the U.S. Empire, Operation Gladio The key institutions of Western societies have lost their credibility.  They fail to merit either the respect or loyalty of the domestic populations they purport to serve.  The assassinations of the entire elite level of progressive leadership in the United States during …