Event: Intelligence in the Knowledge Society Romania 18-19 October 2018

The international conference Intelligence in the Knowledge Society is organized by “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy through its National Institute for Intelligence Studies. This academic event targets scholars and practitioners in the field of intelligence and security studies, as part of a long term effort to develop a specific Romanian academic perspective on intelligence. Deadlines …

Owl: Zionist Israel’s Last Desperate False Flag Endeavor – Merging Sampson Option with Operation Blackjack to Simulate Iranian Nuclear Suitcases in Multiple Western Capitals

Zionist Israel (not to be confused with Progressive and Reform Jews) is close to death. This is a very credible compilation that outlines how ZioCon traitors in the USA and other countries might collaborate with Zionist Israel in a final desperate attempt to drive the USA into another elective war based on lies, target Iran. …

Owl: Bourdain, Occult Girlfriend, Pedophilia, Death by Doorknob

“Eyes Wide Shut” is much more of a documentary than most people realize. Maybe Bourdain knew. What Kubrick movie did for Satanic obsessions of Hollywood elite needs to be done on a movie about same obsessions of politicians, bankers, judges, CEOs, etc.  What’s so troubling to think about this: if our world is ruled by …