Steven Aftergood: Kevin Kosar on Why Congressional Research Service is Dysfunctional, Corrupted by Congressional Partisanship

The Congressional Research Service has never been more frequently cited or more influential in informing public discourse than it is today, as its publications are increasingly shared with the public in violation of official policy. But budget cuts and congressional dysfunction seem to have bred discontent among some staff members, judging from an article by …

Arno Reuser: 27-29 JAN The Hague OSINT Pathfinder VII Training Program

ROBERT STEELE: Arnold Reuser is the undisputed master. He is one of a  tiny handful of people (Ran Hock, Babette Bensoussan are others) who actually know what they are doing and are also ethical in the deepest sense of the word. I cannot over-state his value. OSINT Pathfinder VII training programme Full three day training …

Michel Bauwens: Top Ten P2P Trends of 2014

Top Ten P2P Trends of 2014 1. Reaching of the tipping point for (distributed) renewable energy 2. The rise of open cooperatives and ethical enterpreneurial coalitions 3. The emergence of cryptoledger applications and a crypto-currency for the commons 4. Cities and Countries of the Commons

Yoda: Peer Review Stifles Innovation

Multi-part problem. Does the peer review process stifle scientific innovation? A new study suggests the current model may succeed in keeping out the scientific riff-raff, but its maintenance of the status quo comes with a drawback, the study’s authors argue — the regular rejection of cutting-edge work.

2014 Robert Steele Answers to Richard Olivier on 21st Leadership with Annotated Bibliography & Links

2014 ANSWERS Robert Steele to Richard Olivier of Findhorn on Leadership for the 21st Century • What do 21st century leaders need to know and who do they need to be? • How can we develop these capacities? • What, on a systemic level, is blocking the needed leadership evolution? • What is missing from …

SchwartzReport: 20 Key Findings on CIA Torture — Should President Fire DNI, USDI, and D/CIA?

20 key findings about CIA interrogations Almost 13 years after the CIA established secret prisons to hold and interrogate detainees, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the CIA’s programs listing 20 key findings. Click a statement below for a summary of the findings: 1 “not an effective means of acquiring intelligence” 2 “rested …