Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags Israel’s Use of Economic Strangulation (A Form of Genocide or Other Atrocity)

SANCTIMONEOUS HERESY: Right-wing Israelis demonstrate in Jabal Mukabber after hundreds ransacked the village in occupied East Jerusalem, destroying Palestinian property, March 2008. (Meged Gozani/Activestills) A third uprising? Gary M. Burge,The Electronic Intifada,3 August 2009 Gary M. Burge is professor of New Testament at Wheaton College in Chicago. He is author of Whose Land? Whose Promise? …

Journal: Marcus Aurelius Flags “The Class Too Dumb to Quit”

Our policy is to point to the original full sotry online whenever the source offers a persistent URL that does not require registration.  Below are extracts from Tom Friedman’s “The Class Too Dumb to Quit,” as flagged by Marcus Aurelius, pseudonym for a Special Operations officer with decades of HUMINT abroad. EXTRACTS: This scene is …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 20 July 2009

Hot Topics BW: Nationality for sale 07/18/09 CG: Congo-Kinshasa: An Action Plan to End the Worlds Deadliest War 07/16/09 ER: The Existential Threat to the Nation 07/19/09 KE: War is Boring: Kenya Allegedly Funneling Arms to Volatile South Sudan 07/15/09 LR: Charles Taylor: Preacher, Warlord, President 07/17/09 NG: Jihadis Identify US Plots against China in …