US Loses Face & Standing with China & Pakistan

NIGHTWATCH Extract China-US: Special comment. International news services broadcast video and translations of Chinese Minister of Defense Liang insulting and hectoring the US, represented by the Secretary of Defense. The Chinese tasked Secretary Gates to defend and to explain to the Chinese why the US sells weapons to Taiwan and conducts naval training in the Yellow …

Journal: Cyber-Counterintelligence Not Intelligent

More jerks advocating their wares….I have taught since the mid 1990’s that the greatest threat to computer security was the insider.  On one hand He/She has access and only need motivation to become hostile.  On the other hand, slovenly attitudes allow others, without access but motivation, to take advantage of the insider… all of a …

Journal: American Decline in Zero-Sum World?

“We’ve Heard All This About American Decline Before.” This time it’s different. It’s certainly true that America has been through cycles of declinism in the past. Campaigning for the presidency in 1960, John F. Kennedy complained, “American strength relative to that of the Soviet Union has been slipping, and communism has been advancing steadily in …

Journal: Election Gone Wrong Fuels Tension in Kabul

KABUL, Afghanistan — The inauguration of a new Parliament in just weeks threatens to worsen ethnic tensions and instability and to drive an important part of President Hamid Karzai’s political base into the arms of the insurgency, Afghans and foreign officials warn. Instead insecurity, disaffection and fraud, particularly in the south, left the country’s largest …

Journal: Aid Groups Question US Claims on Taliban Set-Backs

Aid groups in Afghanistan question U.S. claim of Taliban setbacks Miami Herald 12.28.10 KABUL, Afghanistan — Citing evidence that Taliban insurgents have expanded their reach across Afghanistan, aid groups and security analysts in the country are challenging as misleading the Obama administration’s recent claim that insurgents now control less territory than they did a year …

Journal: Future Hotspots?

Forecast 2011: Conflict Hotspots Overview Watershed Year for Pakistan Tajikistan, Preparing for a Long Winter Russia’s North Caucasus, the Terrorism Revival News Articles (302) Publications (864) Primary Resources (25) Links (27) Organizations (25) 23 December 2010 Political hotzones 2011? Where in the world will conflict flare in the new year? This special, expanded edition of …