Search: smart nation intelligence reform electoral reform national security reform

Lovely to see a search like this.  Here are the core references and then a comment and then a number of other references, but the reality is that this entire website is about creating a smart nation, and world brain, and four reforms: electoral, intelligence, governance, and national security. Afterthought:  all the references from the …

Journal: DARPA Catches Up with 1994

Darpa: U.S. Geek Shortage Is National Security Risk Darpa’s worried that America’s “ability to compete in the increasingly internationalized stage will be hindered without college graduates with the ability to understand and innovate cutting edge technologies in the decades to come…. Finding the right people with increasingly specialized talent is becoming more difficult and will …

Journal: Information Operations (IO) Headlines

Obama staffer Cass Sunstein wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 conspiracy groups In a 2008 academic paper, President Barack Obama’s appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs advocated “cognitive infiltration” of groups that advocate “conspiracy theories” like the ones surrounding 9/11. Phi Beta Iota: Sunstein is a serious person, #2 after Lawrence Lessig …

Journal: Cyber-War, Cyber-Peace, Cyber-Scam

Questions stall effort to protect Pentagon network WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s plan to set up a command to defend its global network of computer systems has been slowed by congressional questions about its mission and possible privacy concerns, according to officials familiar with the plan. Resolving questions about the command’s mission are central not only …

Journal: Strong Signals–Las Vegas as Next 9/11

Monday, December 28, 2009 SPOOK’S JOURNAL Nine of the ten largest hotels in the world are in Las Vegas. Four of them share one intersection: Las Vegas Boulevard (The Strip) and Tropicana Avenue. Together, these four corners comprise 12,953 rooms, most of which enjoy high occupancy year-round and are often full. Figure 25,000 people huddled …