Tom Atlee: Four Types of Power

Dear friends, Stimulated by Occupy and an expanding inquiry into new forms of economics, combined with my ongoing interest in bringing wisdom to politics and governance, I’ve stumbled on a productive approach to pulling it all together:  Start from an exploration of Power – particularly, but not only, social power.  This brings both politics and …

Theophilis Goodyear: Panarchy versus Anarchy – Non-Hierarchal, Network-Controled Governance + Panarchy RECAP

“Non-Hierarchal, Network-Controled Governance” Is a Better Term Than Anarchy For me, the anarchy argument is a philosophical can of worms. It’s like pulling a loose thread on a suit that never ends. Bryan Kaplan Ph.D. (of George Mason University), in his Anarchist Theory FAQ makes a pretty good case that the only thing anarchists have in …

David Swanson: History of Corporate Personhood — How Lewis Powell & US Chamber of Commerce Bought the US Supreme Court

The Real History of ‘Corporate Personhood’: Meet the Man to Blame for Corporations Having More Rights Than You The real history of today’s excessive corporate power starts with a tobacco lawyer appointed to the Supreme Court.  By Jeffrey Clements, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, AlterNet The following is an excerpt of Jeffrey Clement’s Corporations Are Not People: Why They Have …

John Robb: Technology, Corruption, & Depressions

Technology Shifts and Economic Depression Joseph Stiglitz (the Nobel prize winning economist) has a great new article: “The Book of Jobs“(behind Vanity Fair’s paywall, sorry).   In it, he makes a convincing case that the first global depression was caused by a process similar to what we are seeing today (I’m very happy somebody in the social …

Marcus Aurelius: Col Paul Yingling, Departing

I’ve never met COL Yingling, but he is somewhat famous (infamous?) within the Army.  He has survived his earlier article, provided second below, and even gotten promoted, apparently recently.  So now he’s sitting in a somewhat idyllic spot, specifically Garmisch, a couple of years short of qualifying to retire as a colonel.  He’s again frustrated …