
This is the primary point of access to Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog (over 80 contributors curated by Robert Steele) and the Journal (in gestation). Our present daily practice is to load between five and ten items a day, and to send to each subscriber (no cost) an end of day email listing …

Review: An Enemy of the State–The Life of Murray N. Rothbard

Gfited Author Summarizes Gifted Libertarian Mind Justin Raimondo September 8, 2009 I was so impressed by the AUTHOR of this book and the manner in which he so ably presented in summary form the very complex economic, philosophical, and consequently political reflections of Murray Rothbard that I immediately looked for “About the Author” and did …

Review: Wave Rider: Leadership for High Performance in a Self-Organizing World

Some Warts But If You Buy Only One Book, Try This One…. September 3, 2009 Harrison Owen The author (developer of the modern Open Space Technology) that revives the Native American open circle)  tells us the book will inevitably be a repetition of his past books in different form, but I do not deduct for …

Journal: Loch Johnson on It’s Never a Quick Fix at the CIA

Professor Loch Johnson is one of two people who have served on both the Church Committee and the Aspin-Brown Commission.  The other is Britt Snider, Esquire. Today he examines the lack of integrity on the Hill, or totthless, inattentive oversight.  He does not address two factors that we comment on below the fold: 1.  There …