James Tracy: In Solidarity with Alex Jones: US News Media Targeted Professor for Questioning Sandy Hook While Failing To Do Theirs – Fake News Indeed

James Tracy: In Solidarity with Alex Jones: US News Media Targeted Professor for Questioning Sandy Hook While Failing To Do Theirs – Fake News Indeed Mr. President, I am a former Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University (FAU). In early 2013, I became the target of a smear campaign led …

Sander Hicks: First Amendment Under Attack: What You Need to Know about Big Tech’s Assault on Alex Jones

First Amendment Under Attack: What You Need to Know about Big Tech’s Assault on Alex Jones Around August 6, 2018 independent journalist Alex Jones was kicked off Facebook, YouTube, Google, Spotify and Apple, in a coordinated, late-night purge, due to Jones’ criticisms and “threats” against Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Jones has also taken unpopular, iconclastic …

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Charlottesville Crisis Actor made her Debut in Sandy Hook

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Charlottesville Crisis Actor made her Debut in Sandy Hook Mr. President, While you correctly condemned racism on display in Charlottesville, you may not know that the whole event was political theater, an orchestrated event with crisis actors, the most conspicuous of whom, Susan Bro, said to …

James Fetzer: Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (Free Online PDF and Individual Chapter PDFs)

This book was BANNED by Amazon. The editor, a distinguished professor (PhD) and former Marine Corps officer, has engaged a number of citizens whose intelligence and integrity is beyond challenge. A Supreme Court case centered on the 1st Amendment is likely to emerge from this book being banned by a Wisconsin judge in violation of …

Cromer & Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Shannon Hick’s Sandy Hook Fake (Staged) Photos

Dan Cromer and Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Shannon Hick’s Sandy Hook Fake (Staged) Photos Mr. President, It turns out that a photograph that appears to show a policewoman escorting students from Sandy Hook to escape the shooting was staged as a crucial element of an elaborate hoax. It was taken …

Pressley & Cromer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — Sandy Hook father, “Lenny Pozner”, and son, “Noah Pozner”, are Both Fake

Mona Alexis Pressley with Dan Cromer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook father, “Lenny Pozner”, and son, “Noah Pozner”, are Both Fake Mr. President, The emotional impact of the Sandy Hook exercise was rooted in the reported death of children, which instilled fear into the hearts of American parents and made an indelible …