Berto Jongman: Various National Security Contributions

Brief History of Hactivism Bruce-Hoffman Super-Author per Routledge Cyber Articles from Routledge 2012 Cybercrime Dominated By Organized Gangs, Academic Study Finds Engineers rebuild HTTP as a faster Web foundation Militarization of Cyber-Security Social Networking Risks Terrorism as Manageable Risk US counterterrorism policy US outgunned in hacker war VIDEO on Brain Structure War porn: The new …

DefDog: China Tries Real Name Registration Online

Real-Name Registration Threatens the Lively World of China’s Microblogs Tricia Wang and An Xiao Mina, 15 March 2012 The timeline on Sina Weibo, China’s popular Twitter-like service, is filled with pithy comments about “Beijing Fashion Week,” chronicling the comings and goings and sartorial choices of the elite. But the commenters aren’t fashionistas, and they …

Steven Aftergood: NSA Has Failed, Since 1976, to Protect US Commercial Communications

IN 1976, NSA WAS TASKED TO HELP SECURE PRIVATE COMMS As long ago as the Gerald Ford Administration, the National Security Agency was directed to help secure non-governmental communications networks against intrusion and interception by foreign — or domestic — entities, according to a recently declassified presidential directive. “The President is concerned about possible damage …