Berto Jongman: Interesting National Security Headlines

Book Review – Truth And Consequences: The U.S. vs. Bradley Manning French Cyber-Strategy GPS with Soul Hacktivism at Risk Integral Leadership Rosetta Stone Kony 2012 White Savior Industrial Complex Magnetic Pole Reversal Has Started – Will Take a Thousand Years Malware Proliferation Estimates PDF: Carnage Interrupted: An Analysis of Fifteen Terrorist Plots Against Public Surface …

DefDog: The infamous ‘take down the Internet in 30 minutes’ hearing from 1998 — Tens of Billions Later, NSA and OMB Have Not Done Their Jobs, US Cyber is Wide Open and Unsafe at Any Speed + Meta-RECAP

This is the famous hearing where Mudge told senators he could K-O the Internet in 30 minutes. It was a wide-ranging discussion, though Mudge’s claim is what the media ran with at the time. Watch and ask yourself, as Trustwave’s Tom Brennan does on his Facebook page this morning: “14 Years… have we gotten better?” …

Howard Rheingold: Your Child Will Be Fine – They Live in the Stream…

Brown Alumni Magazine – Friending Your Child “In November 2009, boyd traveled to New York City to deliver what she expected to be a major address at the Web 2.0 Expo, one of the year’s most important gatherings of Internet professionals. Her topic was what she terms “living in the stream,” or how not to …

Owl: The DHS Cybersecurity Logjam [aka Goat-Fest Scam]

Global Insights: The DHS’ Cybersecurity Logjam By Richard Weitz World Politics Review | 10 Apr 2012 When the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established in March 2003, one of the new department’s primary goals was to enhance U.S. cybersecurity. But after several years passed without major DHS initiatives in this area, observers concluded that …

2012 Reality Sandwich: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic

The Battle for the Soul of the Republic Reality Sandwich, 10 April 2012 Robert David Steele Vivas The National Security Agency (NSA) mega-data center, combined with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) special relationship with Google, and the federalization of local police using Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funds to pay for monitoring both the locations …

Berto Jongman: Overview of Hacktivism and Anonymous as Influence

Anonymous unmasked: The collective’s disruptive influence By CATHERINE SOLYOM The Gazette, 31 March 2012 Hack the planet – save the world. That’s become the rallying cry of an army of keyboard warriors known as Anonymous, which in the last 18 months has targeted everyone from the Tunisian government to the Boston police, the Vatican to …