Reference: Harry Truman on CIA and Intelligence for the President

In his own words. Harry Truman, Great Architect of the Universe Posted Dec 12, 2010 EXTRACT:  Although it’s perfectly fair to call Barack Obama an empty suit and a manufactured product, that’s what Presidents have always been. The Truman Doctrine was entirely the work of George Kennan, and Truman introduced it with a famous speech …

Journal: ‘Systemic Corruption’–Daunting Challenge in Globalized Era

Around 60 countries worldwide are viewed as “systemically corrupt,” and with globalization multiplying the avenues by which corrupt practices cross borders and span the globe, experts are debating the nature of corruption and how to stop it. By Robert Coalson for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) ISN ETH Zurich 10 December 2010 EXTRACT: Systemic corruption …

Journal: Two Denied Area Intelligence Failures

The first of two on IC failures….as if we didn’t need any more proof.  DefDog Reports indicate China’s fifth generation jet fighter rollout far ahead of U.S. intel projections, December 1, 2010 Chinese military Internet reports indicate that China may roll out its first fifth generation fighter as early as this month, far earlier …

Journal: WikiLeaks Collaboration, WikiLeaks Attacked + CYBER RECAP

Respected media outlets collaborate with WikiLeaks (NewsMeat) WikiLeaks turned over all of the classified State Department cables it obtained to Le Monde, El Pais in Spain, The Guardian in Britain and Der Spiegel in Germany. The Guardian shared the material with the New York Times, and the five news organizations have been working together to …