Search: ussouthcom briefing

Here is the briefing: 2003 SOUTHCOM Multinational Conference Strategic Threat Assessment–A Regional Approach to Intelligence, Force Structure, & Combined Operations All briefings can be found at Briefings & Lectures (95) Directory (List) (1) See Also:

Search: books that teach intelligence tradecraft

“Intelligence tradecraft” applies to each element of the intelligence cycle and is distinct for each of the eight tribes of intelligence.  It also varies depending on the threat target and the policy objective. Each of the above can be further distinguished at the four different levels of effort (strategic, operatonal, tactical, technical — the threat …

Allen Roland: Honoring Chalmers Johnson, Prophet of Truth + Empire Meta-RECAP

Prophet for a Dying Empire Every dying Empire has its truth telling prophet and America had its own with Chalmers Johnson. Johnson correctly compared the decay of the American empire, with its well over 600 overseas military bases, with the fall of the Roman Empire whereas the Senate becomes a wealthy corporate club and irrelevant …

Berto Jongman: Admrial James Stavrides Expands on “Open Source Security”

Globalization Creates a New Worry: Enemy Convergence By THOM SHANKER New York Times, 30 May 2013 WASHINGTON — Adm. James G. Stavridis, who stepped down this month as NATO’s supreme commander, has been at war in two wars — overseeing the alliance’s role in the enduring mission in Afghanistan as well as the shorter combat …

Reflections on the Protection of Civilians – US Army List with Corrected Responsibilities 1.1

The U.S. Army continues to be one of the most thoughtful of the services.  Below is a superb list of responsibilities associated with the protection of civilians.  Where the list goes wrong is in assuming that the military will have a major responsibility across all these elements.  In fact US thinking continues to be severely …

Search: Development at Gunpoint – Why Civilians Must Reclaim Stabilization Aid

Development at Gunpoint – Why Civilians Must Reclaim Stabilization Aid Michael Young Foreign Affairs, December 19, 2010 The current multibillion-dollar campaign to counter transnational terrorism, defeat insurgencies, and stabilize fragile states blends diplomacy, defense, and development. A principal tool in this vast effort is humanitarian and development assistance — what has come to be known …

Patrick Meier: Crowdsourcing Syrian Crisis via Twitter API

Crowdsourcing Crisis Information from Syria: Twitter API vs Firehose Over 400 million tweets are posted every day. But accessing 100% of these tweets (say for disaster response purposes) requires access to Twitter’s “Firehose”. The latter, however, can be prohibitively expensive and also requires serious infrastructure to manage. This explains why many (all?) of us in the …