Nafeez Ahmed: How the West Created the Islamic State (ISIS) — Jordan Hosts the Command Center — Chalabi and NeoCons Ride Again…

How the West Created the Islamic State Follow the Money, Follow the Oil Nafeez Ahmed Counter-Punch, 12-14 September 2014 EXTRACTS Missing from the chorus of outrage, however, has been any acknowledgement of the integral role of covert US and British regional military intelligence strategy in empowering and even directly sponsoring the very same virulent Islamist …

2014-09-13 INTERVIEW Robert Steele with Pierre Cloutier Québec – plaidoyer pour une nation intelligente

Les grandes entrevue de Vigile : Robert Steele Québec : plaidoyer pour une nation intelligente Le Québec pourrait servir de modèle pour le monde entier Pierre Cloutier Tribune libre de Vigile samedi 13 septembre Robert David Steele Vivas est un vrai patriote américain. Ancien marine, ancien agent de la CIA en Amérique du Sud et ailleurs, co-fondateur du …

Berto Jongman: Fake ISIS Beheading Videos — Blatant False Flag Fraud to Deceive the US Public — PBI Comment on War for the Soul of US Intelligence UPDATED: Bomb Syria or Control Ebola? Duh!

Both beheading videos are questionable. Both were probably made by the same people following the same script and using the same format. I find it strange that the second video was distributed to subscribers of SITE before ISIS itself had the video made public. A SITE analyst had discovered the video on a filesharing site. …

Berto Jongman: Greenwald on ISIS, Rothkopf on National Insecurity Plus Spinney, Polk, Cockburn, and Steele on How ISIS and Hamas Have Won and Everything We Plan to Do Will Deepen Our Losses

Americans Now Fear ISIS Sleeper Cells Are Living in the U.S., Overwhelmingly Support Military Action Glenn Greenwald The Intercept, 8 September 2014 EXTRACTS What kind of country goes around bombing people with no strategic purpose and with little motive other than to “flex muscles” and “show toughness”? This answer also seems clear: one that is …

Berto Jongman: Naomi Klein on Capitalism versus Climate Change — a “People’s Shock” Coming? Robert Steele Disagrees — Precipitants of Revolution Missing

“Worth a look.” Naomi Klein to Degrowth Conference: Climate Change Can Deliver ‘People’s Shock’ Status quo is not an option if we are to rein in runaway emissions, This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs. the Climate author says in address to conference “You’re having the core conversation of our time.” That was the message delivered on …

Yoda: Ukraine = China Wins, Central Asia Arms

Interesting. China May Be Biggest Winner From Ukraine Crisis By VOA By Mike Eckel Thousands of miles away from the Ukrainian battlefields of Donetsk and Novoazovsk sits the country that may end up being the largest beneficiary of the turmoil along Russia’s southwest border: China. With Russian President Vladimir Putin rewriting the playbook on security …

SchwartzReport: Market Basket — Board Fires Progressive CEO, Boomers Go on Strike to Reinstate — Mutuality Economics from the Bottom-Up

This is a lovely story of how capitalism could be run. It illustrates very clearly the difference between the vampire capitalism that dominates our economy, and the compassionate capitalism we could have. Market Basket: The Return of Boomer Activism LAUREN STILLER RIKLEEN – Forbes Workers at the Market Basket supermarket chain just successfully undertook a …